Title | Name | |
President | Hillary Jones | hill.jones(at)gmail.com |
1st Vice President | John Laughlin | john.laughlinwy(at)gmail.com |
2nd Vice President | Robin Carlson | rcarlson(at)vcn.com |
Executive Secretary/Treasurer | Sylvia Huber | sylviapro.dconsult(at)gmail.com |
Editor | Danny Walker | dnwalker(at)uwyo.edu |
Co-Editor/Librarian | Cassidee Thornhill | cthornhi(at)gmail.com |
Book Review/Editor | Vacant | |
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The Wyoming Archaeological Society
1. To promote and disseminate archaeological knowledge and understanding to the
citizens of Wyoming.
2. To preserve, protect, and respect archaeological material and sites.
3. To preserve important archaeological sites and collections by acquiring them for
study purposes.
4. To promote scientific research and encourage cooperation between avocational
and professional archaeologist.
5. To cooperate and coordinate with the Wyoming State Archaeologist and other
persons and agencies concerning archaeological investigations.
6. To respect the dignity of groups whose cultural histories are the subject of
archaeological investigations.