
The Wyoming Archaeological Society

Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists

Announcement for 
Wyoming Archaeological Society 
June Frison Chapter
Student Scholarship

The Wyoming Archaeological Society June Frison Chapter is happy to announce the launch of our June Frison Chapter Student Scholarship for 2023. This scholarship may be awarded to current student members of the W.A.S. June Frison Chapter who are attending the 2023 W.A.S. Annual Spring Meeting. The June Frison Chapter believes that student participation in the Wyoming Archaeological Society is crucial in fulfilling the Society’s stated purposes to promote and disseminate archaeological knowledge and understanding to the citizens of Wyoming and to promote scientific research and encourage cooperation between avocational and professional archaeologists. 

Application Deadline: March 15, 2023

What is this scholarship?

The June Frison Chapter Student Scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance for students traveling to the Annual Spring W.A.S. Conference. Preference may be given to student presenters at the discretion of the W.A.S. June Frison Chapter Executive Committee. The June Frison Chapter Executive Committee will award scholarships to applicants on a rolling basis with the goal to provide assistance to as many students as possible depending on the availability of funds. A minimum of $50 will be awarded to each scholarship recipient. 

Who may apply? 

A. Any current member of the W.A.S. June Frison Chapter who is a currently enrolled student (undergraduate or graduate) at any accredited college or university*

*Depending on the availability of funds, preference may be given to University of Wyoming students at the discretion of the W.A.S. June Frison Chapter Executive Committee 

When will recipients be awarded? 

Scholarship recipients will be notified of their award by April 11, 2023. Awards will be presented to the recipients in person at the W.A.S. Annual Spring Meeting. 

How to apply?

A.  Submit the online application form ( by the application

B.  Ensure that the form is completely filled out with correct information.