
The Wyoming Archaeological Society

Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists



The Wyoming Archaeological Foundation-Jensen/Robson Research Grant will be in the amount of $1000 given annually at the WAS state meeting held in the spring of each year (a year is defined as the period of time from one annual state meeting to the next). The amount to be granted per application is at the discretion of the board and may be more or less than the actual requested figure, but not more than the maximum limit of $1000. The award must be used within the year granted.

The following guidelines are given to assist chapters and members in designing archaeological projects that are eligible for funding through the Wyoming Archaeological Foundation.


1. "WAF or Board" means the Wyoming Archaeological Foundation.

2. "WAS" means Wyoming Archaeological Society.

3. "Chapter" means any WAS chapter.

4. "Member" means any WAS paid member.


​The purposes of WAF shall be: to foster and encourage the preservation of all manner of things having archaeological or historical value or interest within the State of Wyoming; to discover, restore, preserve, maintain, own, repair, construct, equip or otherwise place in condition, sites, properties both real and personal, areas, buildings, fixtures and other improvements and personal property having archaeological or historical interest or values.


WAS members in good standing are eligible to apply for the Jensen/Robson Grant. During the grant review process priority will be given to applications from avocational members of WAS.


Decisions about emergency funds can be made at any other time during the year, and will be reviewed at the discretion of the board with a quorum of board members and officers.


Once completed, signed, and dated WAF application form must be submitted that includes the following information:

Formal Proposal, not to exceed two pages, of the project to include:

(a) A concise narrative overview of the project which must be related to archaeology;

(b) Reasons, goals and objectives of the project;

(c) Proposed timeline with dates for beginning and ending the project;

(d) Detailed budget and budget justification showing expected cost;

(e) Project Director;

(f)  An explanation of how the project will enhance or benefit archaeology and WAF;

(g) An explanation of cooperative efforts with other organizations, which could benefit from      the project.

All above information will be considered as part of the official application and will be submitted to the WAF Board of Directors. WAF will retain this information for the official files.

The application is to be postmarked or delivered to WAF on or before March 15th of the year applying for grant.  Applications can be emailed to Marcia Peterson at with all the above information.

If mailed by the postal service, a completed application form with the above information be submitted to: 

Wyoming Archaeological Foundation

P.O. Box 2168

Laramie, Wyoming 82073

Attn: Marcia Peterson


1. Costs specifically excluded from funding are:

  (a) No indirect costs;

  (b) Purchase of equipment;

​  (c) Communication systems;

  (d) Administration-salary, overrun, overhead, entertainment, supplies;

  (e) Any non-budgeted expense that is not presented in the budget and approved contract.          No contingency can be allowed.


1. The board will receive, review, and make recommendations on the application(s) and will make the award(s) from among the applicant(s) by a majority vote. If the decision to grant or deny funding is not unanimous the President and Board will "consult and discuss" until consensus is reached. Some of the questions will be asked pertaining to each application and the answer will be evaluated:

(a) Is the project compatible with WAF's existing or proposed programs and stated  


(b) Is there a recognizable benefit to WAS beyond the organizations direct involvement?

(c) Is the project designed to draw interest to the archaeology community and the society?

(d) Does the project stand a good chance of satisfying its stated objectives? Is it effective  

     and feasible?

(e) Is the project new or is it one that has been undertaken before?

(f)  Is the application thorough and complete? Has the applicant overlooked some costs that  

     appear imminent or necessary for the successful completion of the proposed project? Is

     the extent and operation of the project clearly outlined?

(g) Does the applicant have the financial ability to provide the funds necessary to carry the

     project to its successful completion?

(h) Does the applicant have the wherewithal to provide accounting and reporting?

(i)  Has this project been submitted to WAF before?


Decisions on the funding of proposals will be made at the WAF board meeting held every spring in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society. 

If at any time, WAF runs low of funds, the annual project award will be temporarily suspended at the advice of the current Treasurer / Executive Treasurer, until the treasury is again able to sustain the maximum $1,000.00 annual outflow.

If a member of the board applies for funding, they must withdraw from voting on all applications and one of the non-voting board members will be selected by the president to cast the other vote.

The applicant will be informed of the board’s final decision to grant or deny the request by email or regular mail.

If the award is granted a check for the funds will be sent to the applicant with information required for a “Project Completion and Expenditure Report” to be sent back to WAF after the stated project completion date.

Any project extension beyond the one-year allotment must be requested in writing and sent to the WAF President. The president will review with the Board of Directors and officers for approval.

The grantee is responsible for acknowledging WAF – Jensen / Robson Research Grant in any publication stemming from the project. The grantee is also asked to submit a short article, about two or three paragraphs, about the project to the Wyoming Archaeologist after the stated project completion date.