Spring 2022 Speakers
WAS Chapter meetings take place at the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, Wyoming. Public welcome to attend. A Zoom option will be available upon request. For questions please email Dawn Ballou, Secretary, dawn(@)pinedaleonline.com or
call 307-360-7689.
March 15, 2022: 6:30pm - "The Gathering Place: Ungulate Migration Corridors and Cultural Resources on the Pinedale Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest" by Liz Lynch, Archaeologist for the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
April 19, 2022: 6:30pm - Michael Ligman, Archaeologist at Logan Simpson. The 2021 Chalk Butte survey and inventory.
May 17, 2022: 6:30pm - Brigid Grund, Archaeologist Pinedale BLM, Rock art photogrammatic documentation and research at sites around LaBarge and Calpet, in southwest Wyoming.
2023 Officers
Clint Gilchrist
Dave Vlcek
Dawn Ballou
Upper Green River Basin Chapter (Pinedale)